Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fresh Take: In which I explore new things.

One of my goals with this blog is to try new things. It is so easy to get stuck in a rut and take shots of the same things that I love and that I know turn out well. But that doesn't help me grow or progress. So I took a job doing something new. I took some textile shots for a couple who are starting up a cloth diapering business. It was kind of a fun job actually. It was a challenge to get the lighting right to get things like the texture in this fabric

It was good for me to think in terms of what a consumer would want to see. As someone who uses cloth diapers I've done the research and the shopping around and it is nice to feel like I was able to help people out as they go through the same process I did. ("but will the legs fit MY baby? and what's so great about velcro?")

 It was also really pretty fun to "pose" the diapers too. To find a um...flattering angle. (do diapers care? I dunno, but I do)

 All, told. I learned a bit and tried something new. Have you done anything new lately? What have you learned? If not, do try something and then come back and tell me about it! It will be fun, and maybe you will inspire me to try a new hobby.


  1. wow - those pics are really quite good. I think that guy got his money's worth. Good job!

  2. What did you use as the black background? It really made the diapers pop!

  3. The background is the back of a quilt a friend of mine made me. I wanted the black background, and it's what I had on hand. By monkeying with my camera settings I was able to make it look very black. A dark enough sheet could also look black if you use the right settings and enough light. Glad you like it.


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